Beer Jesus – the movie
There is a Beer Jesus. He arrived in Germany in the form of Greg Koch, Stone Brewing's co-founder.
What is craft beer US style?
The US Brewers Association proposes to amend its definition of a craft brewer to include the use non traditional ingredients such as cannabinoids and other fermented products.
Stranded in Madrid
No this time it's not a Belgium art collective with another whale that is stranded in Madrid. A strike by one of the main...
Tron, the brewer
Tron Brewery's Nemanja Stefanović, speaks with Ahmed ElAmin about brewing in Serbia.
Circular beer from BBP
The brewer steps into the circular economy by brewing beer from unsold bread, and using waste malt to make bread grains.
Story of a serial beer maker
"The king of beer" is how a the Financial Times labels Mikkel Borg Bjergso.
Cruising with Belgians
Brewers from Belgium will be sloshing beer down a few landlubbers' necks this weekend aboard the Silja Galaxy, which leaves Stockholm 18 October 19.30...
Cantillon’s cabaret – have they reached for the bottom?
UPDATE: Jean Van Roy, a brewer and blender at Brasserie Cantillon, has since issued a statement about the Cabaret and the controversy surrounding it.
Holy war brewing
A holy war is brewing as drinkers are brandishing their crosiers at the Brussels Beer Project over Ste Kat'.
Back to the future as Flanders brewers revive a special beer tradition
Flying in the face of current drinking trends, seven Flanders brewers have successfully revived a traditional, once moribund beer style known as ‘spéciale belge’.