ɪxᴜs 𝐱 𝐋𝐚 𝐌𝐮𝐥𝐞 ♞

Brasserie de la Mule 95 rue Rubens, Schaerbeek, Belgium

IXUS 🇧🇪 With his new project, Pascal takes us into the field of his own compositions, giving back to jazz its roots with an astonishing Pascal Su along with pieces to discover and listen to without moderation. A fusion between urban music and a more colorful jazz gives a very special freshness to a quintet […]

De Laetste! – dansfeest

Monk Café

De Laetste! ...hebben we al heel veel mogen horen zowat elke avond als wij onze klanten een fijne nacht toewensten. ... achter dat DANSFEEST gaat voorgoed onze deur dicht op deze lokatie. Het wordt een legendarische avond zoals de vele evenementen waar Monk de voorbije 10 jaar getuigen van mocht zijn. DJ's te gast:Arnaud Ghys, […]

Burning SKY TTO

Le 17 mai, veille de l'Ascension, nous sommes très très heureux de vous proposer plusieurs bières d'une brasserie qui compte beaucoup pour nous et que nous admirons depuis des années. La Brasserie Burning Sky existe depuis 2013 et se situe au sud-est de l'Angleterre proche de la côte. Ces réels artisans brasseurs qui revendiquent leurs […]

Tilquin BBF 2023 Killing the Kegs

Dynamo - Bar de Soif , Belgium

You enjoyed the Tilquin British Beer Festival but didn't have the opportunity to try all the beers? Don't worry, there were some leftovers in the kegs and they will be all tapped at the Dynamo on May 17. All beers from the Tilquin fest will be at 4€ and there will be some free drinks […]


La Source Beer Co Rue Dieudonné Lefèvre 4

UNSANE + ADOLINA * 17.05 ******************* Presale : 12€ Doors : 15€ https://lasourcebeer.be/collections/ticketing ******************* UNSANE (US) h a r d c o r e / n o i s e "UNSANE, c'est (depuis Scattered, Smothered and Covered) une guitare sale maltraitée par Chris Spencer, une basse omniprésente et hypnotique élevée par Dave Curran et, enfin, […]

𝐋𝐞 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛 𝐝𝐞𝐬 𝐀𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐱 𝐋𝐚 𝐌𝐮𝐥𝐞 ♞

Brasserie de la Mule 95 rue Rubens, Schaerbeek, Belgium

Entrée Libre - Sortie au Chapeau Soit pas radin ou passe ton chemin ! La Brasserie de la Mule est très heureuse d'accueillir: La Cour des Miracles pour une soirée Stand-Up haute en couleurs et en rires ! La Cour des Miracles, historiquement, c'est un ramassis de gueux, de bossus, de bourrés, d'aveugles, d'éclopés et […]


++ EXCLUSIVE RELEASE ++ Let's start the long weekend celebrations with a BANGER! Other Half Brewing (USA) recently celebrated their Munchies week: a series of special releases related to their well-known favorites Cheddar, Broccoli, Cabbage, etc... We'll bring you a FRESH release of 10! different Other Half IPAs. Explore them together with fellow beer aficionados […]


MALZ bar & shop Brusselsestraat 51, Leuven, BE

As a prologue to the Leuven Innovation Beerfestival, we'll pour a selection of great tasty beers of La Malpolon by the glass on Thursday evening. The selection will be totally different than that of the festival to give you a complete overview of what this Montpellier brewery has in store.


For 3 days straight, we are going to do what we love the most: share our passion for craft beer with all you beer fans out there. What to expect? Be prepared for a beautiful tap list with unique beers from some of the LIBF participants and some extra fun exclusive draft beers you won't […]


MALZ bar & shop Brusselsestraat 51, Leuven, BE

A second prologue to the Leuven Innovation Beerfestival. Meet the brewers of French brewery Hespebay during our tap take-over. Six beers showcasing this young brewery. Again a totally different selection than that of the festival. LINE-UP: Batignolle - pale ale Ocean Bey - seabuckthorn & smoked salt gose Liquide Diction - saison d'assemblage Brume Kong […]

TTO Whiplash

Dok Brewing Taproom Dok Noord 4B, Ghent, BE

On friday the 19th of May we will be making a collab with Whiplash from Ireland. To celebrate this we will be having a Tap Take Over with 6 of their beers. Event starts at 18:00 GMT+1. See you then!