This should be filed under the header ‘only in Belgium’. Yes, even the scouts are joining the craft brewing craze. To raise money for a new classrooms for itself the Scouts group De Geuzen Ternat has home-brewed its own beer called ‘Brave Skoet’. The funds raised will finance new classrooms after the old buildings are demolished. The cost is estimated at €500,000, most of which will come from Ternat’s city council. The rest will have to come from Scouts Ternat.
To raise some of the funds the group asked Dirk Vaeyens, the father of one of its members and an experienced beer brewer, to brew a blond beer with an alcohol content of 6%. Six bottles cost €15, while a box of 24 bottles is €48. It is brewed by Brouwerij Decum.
Of course, the newspaper story on the launch of the beer features six of the scout members drinking, or pretending to drink, their beer. They seem to have enjoyed the beer, as I can see there are eight ratings of the beer on Untappd. Most are in the 3.5 to 4 range, with one giving it a 2 rating.