eric thielemans & aymeric de tapol

Crickxstraat 15, 1060 Sint-Gillis, België

- end of residency show - Aymeric and Eric explore polyrhytms in the spaces between the sequencer grid lines using improvisations. However minimal their resources, they set out to explore the rich textures, timbres and resonances of the pulsations and the frictions thereof, as they appear in the atmospheres of the rooms in which they […]

dmra + flart + lucie simone grésil + justine ferrer

Crickxstraat 15, 1060 Sint-Gillis, België

danse musique rhône-alpes (dmra) (live)l’avatar danse musique rhône-alpes est un hommage nostalgique à la dance commerciale des années 90 mais également aux formes les plus brutes et radicales de la musique électronique. une volonté de gangloff de saluer l’immédiateté régressive des mélodies plastiques aussi idiotes qu’addictives tout en criant son amour des dé/ constructions rythmiques […]

dmra + flart + lucie simone grésil + justine ferrer

Crickxstraat 15, 1060 Sint-Gillis, België

danse musique rhône-alpes (dmra) (live)l’avatar danse musique rhône-alpes est un hommage nostalgique à la dance commerciale des années 90 mais également aux formes les plus brutes et radicales de la musique électronique. une volonté de gangloff de saluer l’immédiateté régressive des mélodies plastiques aussi idiotes qu’addictives tout en criant son amour des dé/ constructions rythmiques […]

delphine dora & anaïs tuerlinckx + axine m + bridget ferrill & áslaug magnúsdóttir

Crickxstraat 15, 1060 Sint-Gillis, België

delphine dora & anaïs tuerlinckxtwo singular pianists, collaborate here by abandoning their preferred instrument, to disrupt each other’s music from the inside by constructing a radical sound space on the borders of improvised, noisy and electroacoustic music and sound poetry. delphine dora uses loops, multi-tracks and various effects to augment and distort her voice, creating […]

delphine dora & anaïs tuerlinckx + axine m + bridget ferrill & áslaug magnúsdóttir

Crickxstraat 15, 1060 Sint-Gillis, België

delphine dora & anaïs tuerlinckxtwo singular pianists, collaborate here by abandoning their preferred instrument, to disrupt each other’s music from the inside by constructing a radical sound space on the borders of improvised, noisy and electroacoustic music and sound poetry. delphine dora uses loops, multi-tracks and various effects to augment and distort her voice, creating […]

tashi dorji + lucija gregov & bernat boronat

Crickxstraat 15, 1060 Sint-Gillis, België

tashi dorjiborn in bhutan and based in asheville, north carolina since 2000, tashi dorji's trajectory towards his deeply personal language on the guitar has been informed by a vast array of influences tumbling over one another along the day. soaking up the usual metal, punk and rock leanings in his teen years, dorshi took the […]

tashi dorji + lucija gregov & bernat boronat

Crickxstraat 15, 1060 Sint-Gillis, België

tashi dorjiborn in bhutan and based in asheville, north carolina since 2000, tashi dorji's trajectory towards his deeply personal language on the guitar has been informed by a vast array of influences tumbling over one another along the day. soaking up the usual metal, punk and rock leanings in his teen years, dorshi took the […]